“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
from the Talmud
Work with a Social Justice Coach:
Are you feeling overwhelmed or burned out or unsure about how to be an ally? We help allies find ways to manage their overwhelm or burn out as you aim to be an effective advocate, ally or co-conspirator.
Read more about our one-on-one or group coaching services.
Strengthen your organization’s equity, diversity, inclusion plan
Does your organization want to identify practical ways to demonstrate your commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion? We work with small and medium-sized organizations to develop an action-oriented plan that is sustainable and makes meaningful impact on employees, customers and the communities you serve.
Practice Mindfulness
A key skill of mindful justice is being aware of oneself, our surroundings and the interaction between these two. Use these short and accessible exercises, designed specifically for busy people, to practice being present and aware.
Browse them here, or listen to our podcast, A Mindful Moment ….. or wherever you access podcasts.
The Accidental Perfectionist blog started as a way to overturn social and cultural conditioning in order to make intentional choices in our lives. Topics include anti-racism, inclusion, activism, dance, writing, mindfulness and our many other passions.